The exclusive law practice network for the Maritime Industry

Privacy Policy

MARITIME SOCIETY S.A. (hereinafter MARITIME SOCIETY) gives due importance to the protection of your personal data, so in accordance with the Law on Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data No. 8968 and its regulations, please be informed about the existence of a personal information database of the users of MARITIME SOCIETY.


Please note that the data you provide to us is collected with the purpose of sending communications about the services offered by MARITIME SOCIETY, such as, sending communications, newsletters, updates and information about the site's related transactions, also including marketing actions, such as offers, promotions and studies aimed at knowing the use and behavior of users on the website maritimesociety.com, as well as basic and non-personal demographic information, in order to optimize the content and functionality of our website.

The user may also receive general opinion surveys on one or more services of MARITIME SOCIETY. In the same way, the information provided may be used by MARTIME SOCIETY to find out the interests of the users and to better adapt the products, services and / or advertising.

All your data will be processed under the strictest confidentiality policies; and is collected, organized, registered, modified, consulted, processed and disposed of in accordance with current regulations. The data that is necessary to be exposed to any competent authority is exempt from the duty of confidentiality.


With a view to improve and track the use of the website and provide better functionality, this website may use cookies (small pieces of data that are stored on a user's device) strictly necessary and analytical, derived from the Google Analytics service which collects information anonymously.

It can use your browser settings to administer how to accept or reject cookies.

Cookies cannot transmit viruses and do not harm your computer.


MARITIME SOCIETY does not sell or distribute personal information of registered users to third parties. However, such information may be used by MARITIME SOCIETY internally for the purposes indicated above in this policy.

The recipient of your personal data is MARITIME SOCIETY, who is authorized herein to share it with its own employees, officials, undertakings of the same group, both in Costa Rica and abroad, as well as service providers or a technology intermediary, who will use your information only for the purposes set forth in this policy.



MARITIME SOCIETY has implemented all reasonable security measures for the protection of user information in order to prevent improper use, manipulation or unauthorized access to such information. However, users recognize that the measures indicated may not be sufficient due to accidental loss of information, the use of new technologies or hacker attacks.

MARITIME SOCIETY informs you that the delivery of the requested data is optional, so you are not obliged to provide personal information; however, the only consequence of not providing us with the required data will be the impossibility for MARITIME SOCIETY to carry out the activities described above, the foregoing, as the information requested is only that necessary and not excessive, strictly following the principle of data quality enshrined in the regulations in the field.

Also, please be informed that you have the following rights:

  1. Of access: request at reasonable intervals information about your personal data held by MARITIME SOCIETY.
  2. Rectification: request the rectification of incorrect or inaccurate data contained in the MARITIME SOCIETY databases.
  3. Deletion: request the deletion of your personal data from the MARITIME SOCIETY databases.
  4. Revocation: revoke this consent when deemed appropriate.

These rights may be exercised by email info@maritimesociety.com or at our offices located in San José, Costa Rica, Barrio Tournón, Oficentro Torres del Campo, by showing the current identity document.

The privacy policy can be reviewed and modified by MARITIME SOCIETY at any time. Any amendment will be notified; however, users may consult and / or periodically review the privacy policy, as well as the terms and conditions of the site.


By accepting this document, you recognize that:

  1. You have read and understood the scope of this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
  2. You have no doubts related to the form, means and purpose for which you have been requested the information for the site.
  3. You expressly accept, on a voluntary basis, to be registered on the site.
  4. You authorize the use of the information provided as detailed and in accordance with the affiliated services.

If you have any concerns that inhibit you from accepting this policy and terms of use, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@maritimesociety.com

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